Congratulations on Success of Groundbreaking Ceremony of C7 Building – SAHEP Project

Congratulations on Success of Groundbreaking Ceremony of C7 Building – SAHEP Project

On March 23rd 2021, under the Support for Autonomous Higher Education Project for Vietnam – SAHEP, the Groundbreaking ceremony for construction works and equipment installation of C7 building took place at Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST).

Speaking at the ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Tran Van Top announced that HUST will implement the Subproject under Component 1 of the World Bank-funded SAHEP Project (Support for Autonomous Higher Education Project for Vietnam), with the aim of improving research, teaching and governance capacity in higher education.

The component project at HUST has a total investment of 50 million USD; of which 45 million USD is the borrowed capital from the World Bank and 5 million USD is the reciprocal capital of HUST; implementation period 2018-2022.

At the time of completion (expected 31/12/2022), HUST will have a new building with modern architecture, 15 laboratories for training and 15 research laboratories for the two priority fields: Electricity – Electronics – Mechatronics and Material Science, which are of HUST’s forte in this digital age.

Below are some pictures of the ceremony:




Source: HUST
