TS. Phạm Minh Hải

Địa chỉ làm việc: C7 – 727M, Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội
E-mail: hai.phamminh1@hust.edu.vn
Điện thoại:
Chức vụ: Trưởng Bộ môn

Các môn giảng dạy

  1. Nguyên lý máy
  2. Chi tiết máy
  3. Đồ án thiết kế chi tiết máy
  4. Thiết kế cơ khí
  5. Đồ án thiết kế hệ thống cơ điện tử
  6. Đồ án tốt nghiệp ngành KT Cơ khí, KT Cơ điện tử

Các nghiên cứu quan tâm

  • Máy cao tốc
  • Ổ trục
  • Truyền động bánh răng
  • Kỹ thuật robot
  • Máy tự động

Đào tạo

  • Từ 9/2006 đến 9/2010: Tiến sỹ tại trường Đại học Manchester – Vương quốc Anh
  • Từ 9/2000 đến 9/2002: Thạc sỹ tại trường Đại học Bách khoa – Hà nội
  • Từ 9/1995 đến 6/2000: Kỹ sư tại trường Đại học Bách khoa – Hà nội

Các công trình khoa học tiêu biểu

  • Tạp chí khoa học:
    1. P Bonello, Hai M Pham, The efficient computation of the nonlinear dynamic response of a foil-air bearing rotor system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014. Vol. 333(15): 3459-3478.
    2. P Bonello, Hai M Pham, Nonlinear dynamic analysis of high-speed oil-free turbomachinery with focus on stability and self-excited vibration. ASME:Journal of Tribology. 136(4), 2014. doi:10.1115/1.4027859.
    3. P Bonello, Hai M Pham, A theoretical and experimental investigation of the unbalance response of a squeeze-film damped twin-shaft test rig. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2013 Arpil.
    4. K Groves,  P Bonello, Hai M Pham, Efficient dynamic analysis of a whole aeroengine using identified nonlinear bearing models. Proceedings of the IMechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2012 January; 226: 68-81.
    5. Hai M Pham, P Bonello, A computational parametric analysis of a three-spool aero-engine under multi-frequency unbalance excitation.   Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 2011; 133(7):072504.
    6. P Bonello, Hai M Pham, Computational studies of the unbalance response of a whole aero-engine model with squeeze-film bearings. Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2010, Vol. 132(3), Paper no. 032504, 7pp.
    7. Hai M Pham., P Bonello, A computational parametric analysis of a three-spool aero-engine under multi-frequency unbalance excitation. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Orlando, Glasgow UK (paper no. GT2010-22801). 14-18 June 2010.
    8. P Bonello, Hai M Pham, A receptance harmonic balance technique for the computation of the vibration of a whole aero-engine model with nonlinear bearings. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2009, Vol. 324,  pp. 221–242.
    9. Pham Minh Hai, Philip Bonello, An impulsive receptance technique for the time domain computation of the vibration of a whole aero-engine model with nonlinear bearings. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 318, Issue 3, 9 December 2008, Pages 592–605.
    10. Dang Bao Lam, Pham Minh Hai, Phan Van Dong, Nguyen Hong Thai, Establishing workspace of the 3-DOF planar parallel RRR-type robots. Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 51/2005, pp 37-40, Vietnam.
    11. Tran Huu Hue, Pham Minh Hai, Influence of the initial phasic angles between the two bars connected with fixed frame on reaction of kinematic joints in five-bar mechanism with two DOF. Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 34-35/2002, Vietnam.


Hội nghị:

    1. P Bonello, Hai M Pham, Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a turbocharger on foil-air bearings with focus on stability and self-excited vibration. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. June 16-20, 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany. Paper no. GT2014-25176.
    2. Hai M Pham, P Bonello, Efficient techniques for the computation of the nonlinear dynamics of a foil-air bearing rotor system. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas, USA(paper no. GT2013-94389). 2013.
    3. P Bonello, Hai M Pham, An Investigation into the unbalance response of a squeeze-film damped twin-shaft test rig. IMechE Conference Transactions, 10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, IMechE Headquarters, One Birdcage Walk, London, UK, 11-13 September 2012.
    4. P Bonello, Hai M Pham, KEIR GROVES, Calculation of the Unbalance Response of Whole-Engine Models. Proceedings pf the 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2011), Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy. 2011: – eScholarID:151591.
    5. Hai M Pham, P Bonello. “A computational parametric analysis of a three-spool aero-engine under multi-frequency unbalance excitation”. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Orlando, Glasgow UK (paper no. GT2010-22801). 14-18 June 2010.
    6. Hai M Pham., P Bonello. “A parametric study of the unbalance response of an aero-engine”.  Proceedings of the 8th IFToMM International Conference on Rotordynamics, Korean Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea.  September 12-15, 2010.
    7. Hai M Pham., P Bonello. “A computational parametric analysis of a three-spool aero-engine under multi-frequency unbalance excitation”. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Orlando, Glasgow UK (paper no. GT2010-22801). 14-18 June 2010.
    8. Đặng Bảo Lâm, Phạm Minh Hải,Pha nVăn Đồng, Thuật toán tìm miền làm việc của họ robot song song phẳng 3 bậc tự do, Proceeding of the 6th Vietnam Conference on Automation (VICA6) –Hanoi 12-14 April, 2005, trang 318-323.

Kinh nghiệm

o   Từ 7/2011 đến 7/2014: Nghiên cứu sau Tiến sỹ tại Đại học Manchester – Vương quốc Anh. Đề tài nghiên cứu có mã số EP/I029184/1: “Non-linear Dynamic Analysis of Oil-free Turbomachinery”



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