Cơ hội học bổng Thạc sỹ/Tiến sỹ tại trường KNU Hàn Quốc

Cơ hội học bổng Thạc sỹ/Tiến sỹ tại trường KNU Hàn Quốc

From Dongkyoung Lee, Associate professor!
‘Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering’ and ‘Department of Future Convergence Engineering’ (dual appointment) in the Kongju National University, South Korea.
MS/Ph.D programs will start in the Spring of 2022 (Application will start in November 2021). Tuition and stipend are fully supported if accepted.
Interested students should contact Prof. Dongkyoung Lee (ldkkinka@kongju.ac.kr) with CV (including English score and GPA) and fill out the form(https://forms.gle/sHVNSvHq3ZMDw5Xm6).
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